Tactical investment projects

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MD-WERP will assist the Australian Government in addressing Basin Plan objectives and responding to emerging issues by investing in short-term, tactical projects.

Tactical investments will assist in addressing high priority needs over the program’s 4-year duration and to inform the Commonwealth’s response to emerging issues.  These investments will involve the delivery of short-term outputs to assist decision and policy makers on water management, river operations, and Basin Plan implementation.  They will typically involve engaging experts to undertake analysis, review or synthesis identified by a Commonwealth water agency.

 As short-term activities these will generally not undertake new primary research and/or collect new data, rather, they will likely deliver outputs such as packaging together the best-available knowledge in an area or apply current knowledge to a specific problem.  

It is expected that a short-term project would take less than 12 months. Proposals for investment will be limited to the Commonwealth partners in the initial project intakes; however, this may be opened wider in the future. The procurement approach will be determined by the capability required to meet the need.

Currently there are 5 tactical projects underway, with another 2 completed. Find out more about these projects to the right of this page.

Any enquiries can be sent to MDWERP@mdba.gov.au.

MD-WERP will assist the Australian Government in addressing Basin Plan objectives and responding to emerging issues by investing in short-term, tactical projects.

Tactical investments will assist in addressing high priority needs over the program’s 4-year duration and to inform the Commonwealth’s response to emerging issues.  These investments will involve the delivery of short-term outputs to assist decision and policy makers on water management, river operations, and Basin Plan implementation.  They will typically involve engaging experts to undertake analysis, review or synthesis identified by a Commonwealth water agency.

 As short-term activities these will generally not undertake new primary research and/or collect new data, rather, they will likely deliver outputs such as packaging together the best-available knowledge in an area or apply current knowledge to a specific problem.  

It is expected that a short-term project would take less than 12 months. Proposals for investment will be limited to the Commonwealth partners in the initial project intakes; however, this may be opened wider in the future. The procurement approach will be determined by the capability required to meet the need.

Currently there are 5 tactical projects underway, with another 2 completed. Find out more about these projects to the right of this page.

Any enquiries can be sent to MDWERP@mdba.gov.au.

Page last updated: 28 Mar 2024, 10:10 AM