Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment Mechanism

Adjusting Sustainable Diversion Limits is a key step in implementing the Basin Plan. The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has assessed the state government nominated projects to determine an appropriate adjustment to the Sustainable Diversion Limits.

The assessment of projects determined that 605 gigalitres of water can remain available for communities.

Community information sessions and feedback

In September and October the MDBA hosted 29 public information sessions, with over 700 people across the Basin attending one of these sessions.

The MDBA sought feedback from the public in October 2017. During this period 3185 submissions were received.

The MDBA recognises this substantial contribution and welcomes the feedback for its importance in designing, implementing and evaluating supply projects.

How your feedback was used

The feedback has been used to provide advice to the Commonwealth Minister responsible for water – once approved, the SDL adjustment will then tabled in Parliament.

The issues or opportunities raised by the public have already been considered by the Authority, in determining the proposed adjustment to Sustainable Diversion Limits. This means the recommendation to the Commonwealth Minister responsible for Water will remain the same. The MDBA is confident that 605 GL of water can remain available for communities and environmental outcomes can be achieved under this adjustment.

The MDBA has received feedback asking for more information about individual projects. This feedback has been passed onto Basin state governments, which are responsible for delivering the projects, including consulting with communities on detailed design and implementation.

This is just the start of the process. Basin state governments have until 2024 to complete the projects, and will work with communities, industries and experts on project design and implementation.

The MDBA will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the projects over this period.

All feedback has been published on this page unless labelled confidential.

Further information

Further information on the Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment Mechanism can be found on the MDBA website at

Adjusting Sustainable Diversion Limits is a key step in implementing the Basin Plan. The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has assessed the state government nominated projects to determine an appropriate adjustment to the Sustainable Diversion Limits.

The assessment of projects determined that 605 gigalitres of water can remain available for communities.

Community information sessions and feedback

In September and October the MDBA hosted 29 public information sessions, with over 700 people across the Basin attending one of these sessions.

The MDBA sought feedback from the public in October 2017. During this period 3185 submissions were received.

The MDBA recognises this substantial contribution and welcomes the feedback for its importance in designing, implementing and evaluating supply projects.

How your feedback was used

The feedback has been used to provide advice to the Commonwealth Minister responsible for water – once approved, the SDL adjustment will then tabled in Parliament.

The issues or opportunities raised by the public have already been considered by the Authority, in determining the proposed adjustment to Sustainable Diversion Limits. This means the recommendation to the Commonwealth Minister responsible for Water will remain the same. The MDBA is confident that 605 GL of water can remain available for communities and environmental outcomes can be achieved under this adjustment.

The MDBA has received feedback asking for more information about individual projects. This feedback has been passed onto Basin state governments, which are responsible for delivering the projects, including consulting with communities on detailed design and implementation.

This is just the start of the process. Basin state governments have until 2024 to complete the projects, and will work with communities, industries and experts on project design and implementation.

The MDBA will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the projects over this period.

All feedback has been published on this page unless labelled confidential.

Further information

Further information on the Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment Mechanism can be found on the MDBA website at

Page last updated: 11 Dec 2017, 06:42 PM