MD-WERP Annual Symposium 2023: Posters and Presentations

A highlight of the 2023 MD-WERP annual symposium were the interactive poster sessions. Across the two days, researchers presented their initial findings, grouped under the program’s strategic research themes:

  • climate adaptation
  • hydrology
  • environmental outcomes
  • social, economic, and cultural outcomes.

We also heard fantastic talks on two completed Tactical Projects:

  • Waterbird Foraging Habitats Identification & Prioritisation
  • Synthesis of Blue-green algae bloom knowledge & analysis of recent trends in the Murray-Darling Basin

You can view a pdf copy of the posters and presentation slides to the right

Three smiling men, standing infront of large A0 posterslarge A
Please note that one of the posters - T1.SI Understanding Traditional Owner Perspectives on Climate Change: Macquarie Marshes Perspective - is not being shared online to protect Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP).

Disclaimer - Nature of the information

Information on the MD-WERP symposium posters and presentations:

  • is general information made available by the Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA):
    • as part of the Murray-Darling Water and Environment Research Program (MD-WERP);
    • consistent with the MDBA’s statutory functions under the Water Act 2007 (Cth), including in relation to the dissemination of information relating to Basin water resources and water dependent ecosystems;
  • does not reflect the views, or commitment to a particular course of action by, the parties involved in delivering MD-WERP or the Australian Government;
  • may not have been produced by the MDBA and may include or summarise views, standards or recommendations of third parties;
  • is subject to the usual uncertainties of advanced scientific and technical research;
  • may represent research currently underway and may not be accurate, current or complete;
  • is subject to change without notice; and
  • should never be relied on as the basis for doing or failing to do something.

The MDBA makes this information available in the interests of transparency, and does not warrant or guarantee:

  • the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of the information or on any linked site;
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© Murray–Darling Basin Authority 2023. With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, the MD–WERP logo, any trademarks, and any exempt content (if identified), this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence (CC-BY). The MD–WERP Research Consortium partner has all necessary rights and permissions to make this publication available publicly under a CC-BY licence for the purposes of supporting MD-WERP objectives or other research purposes.

A highlight of the 2023 MD-WERP annual symposium were the interactive poster sessions. Across the two days, researchers presented their initial findings, grouped under the program’s strategic research themes:

  • climate adaptation
  • hydrology
  • environmental outcomes
  • social, economic, and cultural outcomes.

We also heard fantastic talks on two completed Tactical Projects:

  • Waterbird Foraging Habitats Identification & Prioritisation
  • Synthesis of Blue-green algae bloom knowledge & analysis of recent trends in the Murray-Darling Basin

You can view a pdf copy of the posters and presentation slides to the right

Three smiling men, standing infront of large A0 posterslarge A
Please note that one of the posters - T1.SI Understanding Traditional Owner Perspectives on Climate Change: Macquarie Marshes Perspective - is not being shared online to protect Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP).

Disclaimer - Nature of the information

Information on the MD-WERP symposium posters and presentations:

  • is general information made available by the Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA):
    • as part of the Murray-Darling Water and Environment Research Program (MD-WERP);
    • consistent with the MDBA’s statutory functions under the Water Act 2007 (Cth), including in relation to the dissemination of information relating to Basin water resources and water dependent ecosystems;
  • does not reflect the views, or commitment to a particular course of action by, the parties involved in delivering MD-WERP or the Australian Government;
  • may not have been produced by the MDBA and may include or summarise views, standards or recommendations of third parties;
  • is subject to the usual uncertainties of advanced scientific and technical research;
  • may represent research currently underway and may not be accurate, current or complete;
  • is subject to change without notice; and
  • should never be relied on as the basis for doing or failing to do something.

The MDBA makes this information available in the interests of transparency, and does not warrant or guarantee:

  • the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of the information or on any linked site;
  • that the content will not infringe any third-party intellectual property rights;
  • that the content will be free from defects, viruses, third party interception or other security threats or vulnerabilities including those which could cause loss or damage to you,

and accepts no legal liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from using the information.

For further information, contact


© Murray–Darling Basin Authority 2023. With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, the MD–WERP logo, any trademarks, and any exempt content (if identified), this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence (CC-BY). The MD–WERP Research Consortium partner has all necessary rights and permissions to make this publication available publicly under a CC-BY licence for the purposes of supporting MD-WERP objectives or other research purposes.

Page last updated: 26 Oct 2023, 11:09 AM